Garden Talk: It’s go-time on starting some of our favorite summer vegetables -

2023-03-16 17:19:13 By : Mr. Spring Shao

It's time to start seeds indoors. I have a head start on these tomatoes by planting in February. Mark Torregrossa | MLive

We are getting closer to when we can plant indoor-grown vegetable transplants into our gardens. Here are some tips to have those transplants big and healthy before the final planting.

Michigan has many microclimates due to Great Lakes’ water, hills and valleys. Your location in relation to all three of these land forms makes your particular “safe” planting date specific to your location.

Most of Lower Michigan has a common planting date of mid-to-late May for the plants that can’t handle any frost. These vegetables typically are the ones that ripen in the heat of August and September. If you have to wait that long to pick, then it’s probably a vegetable plant that likes heat and can’t handle frost. The most popular frost-killed plants are tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and basil.

Vegetables that can handle a light frost are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts and to some degree lettuces. These cole crops can be planted now.

Matt Bouvy, owner of Abele Greenhouse and Garden Center in Saginaw, says we can’t plant the starter plants of the hottest-loving, typically southern plants. These are mostly the vines of cucumbers, melons and squash. Those vegetables grow so quickly that mid-April is the time to start those indoors.

So let’s get some veggie plants growing now.

Seeds germinate due to moisture and warmth. I have gone to buying a bag of seed starter soil rather than using my own garden soil. The seed starter soil goes a long way.

Seed starter soil is lightweight with particles that helps hold moisture. (photo provided by Abele Greenhouse and Garden Center)

I like to soak my seeds overnight in a small cup of warm, not hot water. It helps the seed get swelled up with water. You plant the seed “pre-watered.” It’s kind of a pain to plant the seeds because they are wet and stick to your finger or planting stick. It seems like the seeds germinate quicker and more seeds germinate if I soak them overnight.

It's time to start seeds indoors. Tomatoes started by me early because I want to try this variety called Super Sauce. Mark Torregrossa | MLive

How confident are you in your seed germinating ability? Eventually you only want one plant per cell. Some people like to plant two seeds in case only one germinates. If both germinate you have to eventually cut off the weakest plant. Don’t pull it out as you’ll possibly break off the tender roots of the other plant. If you follow the steps here just plant one seed per cell. Most will germinate.

Planting depth is important. Most of the seeds we are planting now are fairly small and should be planted just below the surface. I take a small Phillips screwdriver and poke a very shallow one-quarter inch hole in the center of the cell. Drop the seed in. This is where my pre-soaked seeds get frustrating as they stick to your finger and then the screwdriver. Eventually they will drop in the hole. Then you just very lightly push soil into the hole and tamp it down with your fingers.

The key until plants emerge from the soil is even moisture and warmth. Notice I didn’t say sopping wet. I have found the watering device you use is very important. I use a spray bottle and mist each cell. You don’t have to get water running out of the cell just yet, like you will when the plants are growing and have several leaves. So the soil doesn’t dry out I cover the flat with saran wrap.

Finding a warm spot is crucial also. Since the seeds don’t need sunlight (lacking in Michigan now) or grow lights to germinate, you can pick the spot based on temperature. I have a hot water heater that is boiler-heated, so the top is flat. I set the planted flat in my warm mechanical room in the basement and on top of the hot water heater.

Sweet peppers planted 10 days ago at Abele Greenhouse and Garden Center. (photo provided by Matt Bouvy)

Then I mist and watch. As soon as several of the seeds emerge I remove the saran wrap and move to under the grow lights. If you want to be successful at growing your own plants you will need grow lights. Some of the basic grow lights at the home improvement stores are pretty cheap and will work.

RELATED READING: How to get enough light on your seedlings in cloudy Michigan

The key to enough light from grow lights is to keep the lights just two inches above the plants.

Get the first step going toward your great garden this summer- plant your seeds this week. I’ll walk you through the next steps over the next six weeks.

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